Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj

Students Corner

Students Ready

Concept & Theme Of Avishkar

The State Level Inter-university Research Competition was initiated by the Office of the Hon’ble Chancellor in the year 2007 with a very unique title i.e. “Avishkar”.

Research is an outcome basically of the innovative minds in the modern era with the support of times demands well equipped laboratories and such other infrastructure. If the same is made available by the educational institution at right ages, it will not only stimulate the activities but will help to identify the students to be groomed further as acclaimed researchers in their respective fields. Much is discussed about the quality of research being carried out in the Universities. Concern has always been expressed about enhancing the standard of researches.

A peer group of like-minded talented persons inclined towards research leaves strong impact on the open minds at the tender age giving direction to take research as a career. Right opportunity when made available at the undergraduate level leads to forming such a peer group which can be molded in desired direction by motivated teachers, who became their mentors. The desired outcome of “Avishkar” would not be limited to the quality of the research in the University and to register maximum number of patents but would be to nurture the future of “Noble Laureates” ahead in forthcoming years doing fundamental research.

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