Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj

Students Corner

Students Ready

Agriculural Entomology

A) Academic Programme

UG Courses (Old)
Sr. No. Course No. Title Credit
1 ENT-231 Insect Morphology & Systematics 2+1=3
2 ENT-242 Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management & Beneficial Insects 2+1=3
3 ENT-353 Crop Pest and Store Grain Pests 2+1=3
4 ENT-364 Introductory Nematology 1+1=2
5 RAWE ENT-475 Integrated Plant Protection 0+2=2
6 EXP. Module Mass Production of Bio Control Agents 20+0= 20
1 ENT-501 Insect Morphology 1+1=2
2 ENT-502 Insect Anatomology, Physiology & Nutrition 2+1=3
3 ENT-503 Insect Ecology 1+1=2
4 ENT-510 Principles of Integrated Pest Management 1+1=2
5 ENT-511 Pests of Field Crops 1+1=2
6 ENT-504 Classification of Insects 1+1=2
7 ENT-508 Toxicology of Insecticides 2+1=3
8 ENT-512 Pests of Horticultural & Plantation Crops 1+1=2
9 ENT-518 Host Plant Resistance 1+1=2
10 ENT-519 Techniques in plant Protection 0+1 =1
UG Courses (New As per 5th Dean Committee)
Sr. No. Course No. Title Credit
1 ENTO-121 Fundamentals of Entomology 1+1=2
2 ENTO-232 Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management 1+1=2
3 ENTO-243 Pests of Horticultural Crops and their Management 1+1=2
4 ENTO-354 Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management 1+1
5 ENTO-365 Management of Beneficial Insects
6 ELM ENTO-486 Mass Production of Bioagents and Biopesticides 0+10=10
7 ELM ENTO-487 Commercial Bee Keeping 0+10=10
8 ELM ENTO-488 Silkworm Cocoon Production Technology 0+10=10

M. Sc. (Agri.) Entomology student pass out : 18

B) Section/Department

Agril. Entomology, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur

C) Laboratories

Insect Morphology, Crop Pest and IPM, Nematology lab, Bio-control Lab, M. Sc. (Agri.) Research Lab, Insect raring room, Sericulture raring room.

D) Instructional farm

Research farm behind Department

E) Research Programme

1. M. Sc. (Agri.) Research
2. Mass Production and Efficacy of EPN
3. Sanctioned Voluntary center of All India Network Project on Soil Arthropod Pest at Entomology Section, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur (White grub)

F) Extension Activities

1. Advising to the farmers
2. Participating in Shetkari melava
3. TV talk and Radio talk.

G) Publications

Articles in News paper and Magazine, Research paper in different NASS rating journals, preparation of folders

H) Contact Information

0213/2605851/52, EXTN – 191

I) Any other information

Department : Indian Council of Agricultural Research New Delhi sanctioned the Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur as voluntary center, for All India Network Project on Soil Arthropod pests white grub and sanctioned Rs. 15.00 lakh for support the research on white grub.

Dr. J. P. Sing, Founder Secretary FARMERS, NGOS visited to the department and undertaken demonstrations of utilization of Entomopathogenic nematode for management of White grub infesting sugarcane of Golthind Tal-Walva Dist – Sangli and Kunner, Tal-Kagal Dist – Kolhapur and Groundnut at Bhuaewadi Tal-Karveer Dist – Kolhapur. He has exposed satisfaction regarding the on going research for management of white grubs.

Under DPC Scheme the Hon.The Collector of Kolhapur sanctioned Rs. 35.00 lakhs for supporting the research on the mass multiplication of Entomopathogenic nematode for the management of white grub infesting the sugarcane in Kolhapur district Presently, The mass multiplication of wax moth, Gallaria and rice moth is in progress.

Mahatma Phule

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