Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj
Students Corner
Students Ready
Agricultural Botany Research
1. Rice : Four Multilocation trials of Rice viz. :
Advance varietal trials of early types 2. Advance varietal trials of mid late & late types 3. Initial varietal trial of early types 4. Initial varietal trial of mid late types received from the Rice Specialist, ARS, Karjat and conducted regularly by Agril. Botany, Division at A. C. Kolhapur. The analysed data recorded on various growth characters has been dispatched every year for its inclusion in annual report.
2. Soybean : Kharif – 2015 :
The promising genotypes developed form the Ph. D. research material of Dr. S. R. Shinde have been screened in replicated station trial for yield and leaf rust resistance in Kharif – 2015. The four genotypes has exhibited distinct performance for the same important features. These genotypes will be further evaluated in Multilocation and co-ordinating trials at national level for confirmation of the performance.
3. Achievements :
Varieties- The promising variety of Soybean KS-103 for yield and leaf rust tolerance from the same material has been identified and released for general cultivation by Director, Soybean, Indore for South Zone comprising Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka States in Annual AICRP work shop of 2013.
Recommendations :-
1.Two sprayings of 2 % urea, first spray at the time of floral initiation and second spray 10 days after 1st spraying on gram is recommended for higher yields.
2. Two sprayings of 1000ppm Ethrel on soybean, first at the time of floral initiation and second spray 7 days after 1st spraying is recommended for higher grain yields.