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Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj

Students Corner

Students Ready

Extension Education Research

  • For the reclamation of saline soil, organization of special extension programme for adoption of green manuring crops such as Shevari and Dhaincha.(2007-08).
  • It is recommended to recognize the Jaggary producing units as Small Scale Industry for the benefits like continuous electricity supply and provision of credit from formal financial institutions. (2009-2010)
  • In order to provide technical knowledge to the Drip users regarding use of proper method of declogging of emitters, it is recommended to providing suitable training to drip users. (2009-2010)
  • The rural youth are engaged in agriculture and allied enterprises like dairy but there are not having knowledge and skills. therefore it is recommended d to impart in depth training to rural youth for developing agricultural entrepreneurship by the state department of agriculture in collaboration with Agriculture University.
Mahatma Phule

Farmers Corner

Sales Corner