Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj
Students Corner
Students Ready
Agricultural Engineering Infrastructure
Lecture Halls – There are two Lecture Halls ‘E’ and ‘ F’ in the section where theory classes are conducted.
Laboratories – There are 4 laboratories in the Section as given below
SWCE Lab – Soil and water conservation Engineering Laboratory is developed where practicals of course ENGG –121 (Fundamentals of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering) are conducted .The Surveying instrumentS (like Dumpy Level, Levelling Staff, Cross-staff, Measuring Chains and Tapes ) are used for Survey and Levelling of various sites on the campus of College Recently the hill near Section is being developed with CCT, Reservoir etc. from soil water conservation point of view.
Similarly a Watershed Field Models are developed near Agril. Engineering Section for demonstration to the students and farmers.
FMP Lab – Farm Power and Machinery Laboratory is developed where the practical of course No. ENGG-353 (Farm Power and Machinery) are conducted. The farm implements are used for demonstration to the students and the farmers.
The section has also developed the facility for demonstration of improved implements received on 100 % subsidy to the farmers on college farm. A separate implement shed is constructed in front of Agronomy section where all the implements are kept and maintained.
PHE Lab – Post Harvest Engineering Laboratory is being developed in the section where practical of course No. Engg- 364 are conducted.
Computer Lab – Computer Laboratory is developed where practical of course No. ENGG- 232 are conducted. The facilities of Computers, Printers, U.P.S., Scanners, C.D. Writer, LCD projector and Internet are available in the laboratory. The students and staff of the College are availing these facilities as and when needed.
Other Units
In addition to the regular teaching programme the teaching staff of this section has to look after following additional works.
Estate Unit – Professor of Agricultural Engineering looks after estate unit of the college and Assistant Professor (Estate) works as secretary for House Allotment Committee. The existing staff viz., Sectional Engineers (Electrical), Junior Engineer (Civil), Electrician, Wiremen, Plumber, Mason, Agriculture Assistant, Helper looks after the repairs and maintenance of office buildings, Residential Quarters, Hostels, Roads, Playground, Water supply lines, Guest House, Irrigation Systems etc
Workshop Unit – The carpentry, smithy and welding jobs are performed by this unit for College offices, Hostels and Gymkhana as and when required.
Vehicle Unit – This unit looks after the repairs and maintenance of college Bus and Jeeps.
PLIP Unit – Panchganga Lift Irrigation Project was established in 1980-81 to lift water from Panchganga River situated at about 3.5 to 4.0 K.M. from the campus for irrigation of 25-30 hectares of farm area. Unit has a staff of Pump-Operator for day-to-day operation, correspondence, Administration, Repairs and Maintenance of the unit. There is one jack-well on the Panchganga River having two electric motors of 80 H.P. each. Vertical Turbine pump sets of Jyoti make installed since 1980-81. The main line is cement pipeline of 18” diameter. The various farms of Agronomy, Botany, Horticulture and Animal and Dairy Science are provided irrigation water by lifting water from quarry behind Boy’s Hostel.Water distribution is made through Drip, Sprinkler, Micro-Sprinkler and Rain-gun irrigation systems on the college farms.
Rajaram Tank Lift Irrigation Scheme (RTLIS) – Recently a new lift irrigation project is being installed for lifting water froom the Rajaram Tank (reservoir) and pouring it in quarry behind the Boys’ Hostel as an alternative arrangement to P.L.I.P.
EPABX and Intercom Unit – The existing EPABX and Intercom Units and its cable network are utilized for smooth working of telephones on College Campus. Similarly this Unit looks after Annual Maintenance Contract, Repairs etc.
ARIS Cell – The Agricultural Research Information System Cell is being developed at the section for inter connection of Computers through LAN (Local Area Network) at Campus and through Internet at Various Agricultural Universities. VSAT Antenna installed on terrace is providing internet connectivity through ERNET India, New Delhi to all the Sectional buildings including Main Building