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Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Maharaj

Students Corner

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Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science Infrastructure


Name of the Section /Department Laboratory/ Lecture/ Seminar Hall Area (m2) Highlights related with conduct of practical, lecture and HOT
Under graduate Processing Lab 58.11 Lab is well equipped with Homogenizer, Batch Pasteurizer, ice-cream freezer, Cream separator, Khoa machine, Incubator, sterilizer, Lassi machine, Refractometer, Cooling and freezing sytems, cloth stand, hand dryer etc.
Analytical Lab 111.15 Analytical tables, hot water bath, hot air oven, muffle furnace, plate heater, Hobart mixer, rotary shaker, glass distillation unit, centrifuge machine Water geyser etc.
(For U.G. and P.G)
Practical lab Dairy farm – 2 nos 58.56 Equipped with bench, charts, animal models, flex boards etc.
Seminar Hall 89.7 LCD projector, seating arrangement for 40 students
Lecture Hall 179.4 Seating arrangement for 100 student, LCD Projector
Post Graduate Microbiology Lab 89.7 Laminar air flow, Sterilizer, pH meter and accessary

The Division of Animal Husbandry and dairy Science is devoted for practical oriented teaching learning process. To ensure the quality education impartation this division has seasonal fofdder crop cafeterias. The avalable land with this division is as follows.

B. Farm

Name of the Farm Irrigated Unirrigated (Area in ha) Total Purpose (Remarks)
(Area in ha) (Area in ha)
UG (Dairy farm) 6.07 2.72 8.79 For fodder production
UG (Shenda park) 74.08 74.08 Grass land


Veterinary clinic facilities are available at Dairy farm of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science Section. A veterinary doctor regularly checks up the animals and treat as and when required. Thepoultry shed of 300 broiler birds’ capacity measuring 30m2 is maintained in well condition by this section. The production is sold among the students of this college as well as visitors on live weight basis.

Name of the Farm Irrigated Unirrigated (Area in ha) Total Purpose (Remarks)
(Area in ha) (Area in ha)
UG (Dairy farm) 6.07 2.72 8.79 For fodder production
UG (Shenda park) 74.08 74.08 Grass land
Mahatma Phule

Farmers Corner

Sales Corner